Superbowl XL
The AFC and NFC championship games ended yesterday with Seattle (NFC) and Pittsburgh (AFC) moving on to play in the Superbowl to decide the '05-'06 NFL champion. It's really early to be choosing a winner, but I'm pretty comfortable in my pick already. While Seattle is a great team, I just don't see anybody else in the entire NFL that deserves to be in the Superbowl more than the Steelers right now. The Superbowl has a great tradition of high scores and defenses taking a back seat, but I think that Pittsburgh's defense will be able to come up with enough stops to give their team the win.

My prediction for the final score is Pittsburgh: 31 - Seattle: 24

My prediction for the final score is Pittsburgh: 31 - Seattle: 24
Go steelers?? Or is it go Seahwaks? I don't know who to root for. Mabye you should fill me in a little bit more on the background of each team so I can commit to one! So do you want Pittsburg to win or is that just who you think will win?
I just think Pittsburgh is going to win. I'm not really pulling for one team or another this year; I'm just glad that Denver and New England didn't get to the Superbowl.
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